Sunday, 8 April 2012

Recent Economics Performance of a Nuclear Power Plant

A quarter of nuclear plants in the world today have recorded capacity factors of more than 90%, with almost two-thirds of these plants recording better than 75% of capacity factors. This suggests a near-maximum plant utilisation, given that most nuclear plants have to shut down every 18 to 24 months for refuelling/maintenance. Despite this, majority of operating nuclear plants have been upgraded to increase their output. Even with fewer nuclear plants being built today compared to in the 1970s and 1980s, plants currently in operation around the world are generating more electricity than in the past, due to their upgraded output capacities.

In addition to improved economics arising from the upgraded plant capacities, the performance of most operating nuclear plants have also been further improved through better nuclear fuel design based on the use of higher uranium enrichment levels. This resulted in better nuclear fuel utilization.

In most cases, nuclear power is more cost competitive than other forms of electricity generation, except where there is direct access to low-cost fossil fuels. According to the World Nuclear Association, coal is, and will probably remain, economically attractive in countries such as China, the USA and Australia with abundant and accessible domestic coal resources as long as carbon emissions are cost-free. Gas is also competitive for base-load power in many places, particularly using combined-cycle plants, though rising gas prices have removed much of the advantage.

Nuclear energy is, in many places, competitive with fossil fuels for electricity generation, despite relatively high capital costs and the need to internalise all waste disposal and decommissioning costs. If the social, health and environmental costs of fossil fuels are also taken into account, the economics of nuclear power are outstanding.

Source: TNB Website - Think Nuclear, Think Green; and World Nuclear Association Website - The Economics of Nuclear Power 

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