Wednesday 14 March 2012

Environmental Issues - Greenhouse Effect

  Recently, the atmospheres are getting dark and smelly.  Perhaps those unhealthy air are turn to a hazardous air for the environmental.  And the people are a part of the environmental component.  

The question is where those polluted air came from?
  For this writing, the generation of energy is highlighted .  All of us are aware that a lot of power stations are using fuel or coal to generate electricity.  In other words, using something that can cause harms to the environment.  Try to imagine, the waste products are dispersed directly into the air.  In addition, the air become polluted and we as a human will use the air for breathing process.  If we keep breathing the polluted air, it will affect our health.  Besides, the gases that come from the fossil burning cause the greenhouse effect.  Therefore, the environmental temperature is increasing.

(Figure above is about the Greenhouse Effect) [1]

There are few others causes of greenhouse effect, which are:
  1. Rising sea levels
  2. Extreme temperatures
  3. Violent storms
  4. Spread disease would destroy food production and human habitability

  That’s why the expert suggests to the world to transform the electricity generation from fuel and coal to the nuclear energy.  The main reason is the nuclear power plant does not emit any carbon to the environment.  So, it will not cause harm to the environment.  It is a clean energy.

(Nuclear Power Plant Gundremmingen, Germany -Source Reuters) [2]

  1. Greenhouse Effect Definition (2008)., from World Wide world:
  2. No Halt to Global Warming without Nuclear (2011).  Allianz, from World Wide world:

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